आर्य समाज की स्थापना के समय महर्षि दयानंद का वक्तव्य
1875 में मुम्बई में जब कई उत्साही सज्जनों ने स्वामी दयानन्द सरस्वती जी के समक्ष नया ‘समाज’ स्थापित करने का प्रस्ताव रखा, तब उस दीर्घद्र...
Swami Dayanand Saraswati was a world teacher. His teachings were not intended for any particular community or country. He envisaged the whole world as one country and all humanity as his countrymen. He made no distinction between Indians, Europeans or Africans and others so far as the Truths he taught were concerned. He worked for the uplift of all humanity. His chief teachings are:
There is one God, who is the Creator, Father, Preceptor of all mankind. All men, whether they live in the East or in or America are God's the West, in Asia or Europe or Africa children and are brothers, and He is their father. They are members of the same family and should love one another and help one another. God treats them all with equal affection and justice. He is not like the God of the Israil, nor like the God of the Momins. He is bodyless and never dies. He alone should be worshipped. He taught mankind to give up worship of idols, whether of metal or stone or wood or any other substance, or pictures and paintings. For the benefit of all, God revealed divine wisdom at the beginning of the Creation in the form of the Vedas. The Vedas are God's commandments and instructions for all mankind, without distinction of colour or country. All should learn, and act according to, these divine teachings. The Vedas are not the monopoly of the people of Aryavarta (India). Every man and woman, high or low, rich or poor, learned or ignorant has a right to learn the truths contained in them. They (Vedas) belong to the Aryas (Hindus), Europeans and Americans as well as to the Arabs, the Chinese and others; the Brahmins as well as the Sudras.
The Vedas themselves say that all men and women, Brahmins and others, have the right to read them:
यथेमां वाचं कल्याणीमावदानि जनेभ्यः । ब्रह्मराजन्याभ्यां शूद्राय चार्याय च स्वाय चारणाय।। Yajurveda: 26.2
"As I have given the word (Vedas) which is the word of Salvation for all-Brahmins, Kshtriyas, Vaishas, Sudras; women, servants, even the lowest of the low-so should you all do, i.e. teach and preach the Vedas."
He taught that the Vedas contain fundamental truth of life and being, and germs of all knowledge, and contain nothing historical, nothing which is not ever true.
The Vedas are the inheritance of all mankind. Truth is one and is for all: so also the light of the Vedas is for all. That light is to dispel darkness in all nooks and corners, in all countries and climes. As there is one God, so there is one Revelation and one religion for all.
[Source: Life of Dayanand Saraswati, p.429-430, Presented here by: Bhavesh Merja]
1875 में मुम्बई में जब कई उत्साही सज्जनों ने स्वामी दयानन्द सरस्वती जी के समक्ष नया ‘समाज’ स्थापित करने का प्रस्ताव रखा, तब उस दीर्घद्र...
The article of the this Christian article, talks foul about Swami Ji in a much frustrated and sarcastic language.